So I ran the Nominatim setup script to import planet data into postgres with the following command:
And after several hours, the script failed with the following error message:
I'm not sure what's going on.. something about "free disk space"? I'm working on a machine with several TB of disk space. Any help would be appreciated, thanks! |
Your disk might be partitioned. Make sure that you actually have ~ 700 GB of disk space available at the location where your postgresql tries to save the data to. In a standard Ubuntu setup that would be /var/lib/postgresql, so you'd want to type
and check that the numbers in the "Available" column is larger than 700 million. |
I have the same problem, the mount /var/lib/postgresql has only the capacity of 10 Gb and I dont have the admin rights to increase the size. But i have an another mount where IT has over 2TB of diskspace. How do I change the configuration of postgresql to use a different mount? you ought to be able to add a new tablespace using CREATE TABLESPACE bla LOCATION mount-point. The directory needs to have +x persmission for the owner of the postgres database, usually postgres. You can then make the new tablespace the default tablespace for the database or explicitly allocate tables to that tablespace.
(08 Dec '13, 10:25)
SK53 ♦