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If I have a flat when I put in 1-100 and I want to look for Streetname 55 then the 1-100 flat won't show up in the result. Could you make it so that it appears in the result? I am used to edit all housenumbers with addr:housenumber Can this be used for flats or should a different tag be used?

asked 30 Sep '13, 14:43

PostBrenger's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 30 Sep '13, 14:58

Please explain. Is this one single house that has house numbers 1-100, and the street address of an individual flat is not e.g. "15 Somestreet #33" but indeed just "Somestreet 33", so that you wish to have 100 house numbers resolve to the same point?

(30 Sep '13, 16:04) Frederik Ramm ♦

Hello PostBrenger,

do you refer to a concrete place where such a house numbering is present in the OSM data?

Then give us a to that place.

Because with an example we can understand better what is the situation and what is your aim.

(30 Sep '13, 16:40) stephan75

There are 3 flats here, if I'd edit all the numbers with 1,2,3,4,5 etc there would be a long list, but it would find the number if I'd type

In this example Munt 3 if I'd type Munt 3 in the search box with 1-5 then the flat 1-5 would not show up in search result, I've now edited these with 1-70 etc:

(01 Oct '13, 12:01) PostBrenger

I'm not sure exactly what you mean but.... I just used the JOSM plugin addrinterpolation to number each of the range of numbers in front of each building as in your example where they share a street not located immediately next to them. And after saving and searching for an individual number on the street and suburb using the search at it found the location and placed a red marker in front of the correct building about where it should be in the range displayed on the short way drawn along the buildings length immediately in front of the block. Seems to be the ideal use for this method. Hope this helps. address interpolation

I searched for an individual number not 1-20 or similar in the search box.

permanent link

answered 01 Oct '13, 12:53

nevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

edited 01 Oct '13, 13:15

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦

But addr:interpolation needs a start node, a way and an end node. Where the question is about one building with multiple flat numbers. The "Address" proposal suggests to use "addr:housenumber=1-100" but I think that this notation is not understood by Nominatim, the search engine running on

(01 Oct '13, 14:37) Pieren

Only a part works now, the munt 141-210 heerenveen, hope it's going to work for the other ones as well. I now edited the others the same way as that one

It's now working, had to wait for a while but it's working now.

(01 Oct '13, 18:58) PostBrenger

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question asked: 30 Sep '13, 14:43

question was seen: 5,870 times

last updated: 01 Oct '13, 19:21

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum