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I went to update my French map for my eTrex20 using Freizeitkarte, have downloaded and unzipped FRA_en_gmapsupp.img but when I double click on the unzipped file, instead of sending it to Basecamp it come up with 'Windows Disc Image Burner.....not found'


asked 29 Sep '13, 09:23

slowfox05's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 29 Sep '13, 13:31

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

you need to download an installer .exe file for mapsource/basecamp. The image file you have downloaded now is not for basecamp but intended to be copied directly to your device's memory or SD card map folder.

Background info: The .img file was opened with "Windows Disc Image Burner" because you have set up your system to open .img files with this program. Here this does not work since the burner program expects a CD/DVD disc image - which the file you got is not.

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answered 29 Sep '13, 13:27

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 30 Sep '13, 02:10


I feel so stupid, I've spent hours on this over the weekend. I read aseerel4c26's answer and thought, why not try his second suggestion. Downloaded the 1st file to my desktop then copied it to the sd card; no need for Basecamp. I think I could probably have copied it directly to the sd card? I'll try that next time. Many thanks for your help' Slowfox

(29 Sep '13, 16:30) slowfox05

Yes - just directly copy the .img file to the SD card. It looks like your copy of Windows thinks that a .img file is an image of a CD or DVD that you want to write, hence the error messafe that you're seeing.

(29 Sep '13, 20:35) SomeoneElse ♦

Well I finally got there....this is how...

Uploading free Garmin maps to GPS:

  • Use or equivalent.
  • Click on the first download for your chosen map ie. The one that is for your SD card.
  • When prompted choose the ‘save as’ option and save it direct to your Desktop
  • Once the zipped file has downloaded, Right click on it and select Extract (this will unzip it.
  • Once it’s unzipped it needs copying to the Garmin folder (you will need to open a folder called garmin on your SD card). This is where I encountered trouble; I found a right click copy and paste produced a copy of a folder, not a Disc Image File, but when I dragged and dropped it, it worked!! It may just be the way my laptop is configuered?

NB This can still take some time, depending on your interweb speed; took me 40 ,minute to get France. I bough an 8Gb micro SD card (Sandisk) class 10 with adapter from for 12 € and downloaded the whole of France, Spain, Italy and the UK in an afternoon and still have about 4GB of space left on the card!

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answered 02 Oct '13, 15:33

slowfox05's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 02 Oct '13, 20:31

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦


Off topic (not about Garmin or OSM), regarding your question about copying: yes, that is definitely how your laptop is configured or is due to how you tried to copy the file. Since you said you are using Windows, this is how it should work: right click the .img file, select "copy", navigate into the Garmin folder on the SD card, right click in the empty space inside the folder, select "paste".

(02 Oct '13, 20:37) aseerel4c26 ♦

Thank you for that, I suppose this is one of those experiences in life that you learn from. I really appreciate your advice; thank you.

(03 Oct '13, 05:21) slowfox05

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question asked: 29 Sep '13, 09:23

question was seen: 10,680 times

last updated: 03 Oct '13, 09:18

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum