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I have been adding cross country cycle routes and improving road alignments. The data is visible and can be edited so it must have been saved, but when I download the data as Shapefiles, not all the data is being downloaded.

Any obvious reason why?

asked 27 Sep '13, 09:55

The%20BlueFox's gravatar image

The BlueFox
accept rate: 0%


Where did you get your shapefiles from?

(27 Sep '13, 10:20) scai ♦

CloudMade Downloads and also another site that I cannot recall at the moment. Both sets had exactly the same elements missing.

(27 Sep '13, 10:30) The BlueFox

According to CloudMade the files are from 13 December 2011.

(27 Sep '13, 12:16) scai ♦

Then that is the answer! Can you direct me to a site that updates more frequently. Currently, I am only interested in data for Wales.

(27 Sep '13, 12:18) The BlueFox

Geofabrik provides periodically updated shapefiles, although I have no experience with them.

(27 Sep '13, 12:29) scai ♦

I am very new to OSM but am an experienced GIS user. From your answer I have worked out that people who make Shapefiles do not update every day and therefore I would be better downloading the 'raw' files which presumably are the database that we all update? I appreciate your help - is voting for recognising help given and if so, how do I vote if there isn't a published answer?

(27 Sep '13, 12:51) The BlueFox
showing 5 of 6 show 1 more comments

See for services generating shapefiles. Maybe one of those suits your needs.

permanent link

answered 27 Sep '13, 12:48

gormo's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

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question asked: 27 Sep '13, 09:55

question was seen: 2,670 times

last updated: 27 Sep '13, 12:51

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum