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Why do some road names contain semicolons ?

asked 16 Jul '10, 17:38

Nic%20Roets's gravatar image

Nic Roets
accept rate: 6%

edited 09 Sep '10, 22:08

Jonathan%20Bennett's gravatar image

Jonathan Ben...


Without looking at the history of your example, it's likely that someone joined two segments of the road that had different name tags. So name=Main Street joined to name=High Street, in JOSM and Potlatch, becomes name=Main Street; High Street. This should be corrected by splitting the way and tagging the part named Main Street as Main Street and the part named High Street as High Street.

It gets more complicated when a segment of road has more than one name. Here you'll want to place one name (usually the most common on-the-ground) in the name field, and use alt_name and other tags for other names, for instance name=Sixth Avenue official_name=Avenue of the Americas.

I've also seen the route number included in the name, like name=Main Street; United States Highway 66. This would be better handled as name=Main Street ref=US 66.

And, just maybe, there are a few actual road names with semicolons.

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answered 16 Jul '10, 19:53

NE2's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

edited 09 Sep '10, 22:10

Jonathan%20Bennett's gravatar image

Jonathan Ben...

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question asked: 16 Jul '10, 17:38

question was seen: 5,658 times

last updated: 09 Sep '10, 22:10

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum