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Hello there

I am hoping that someone who has some experience in effectively utilizing this amazing resource (as well as possibly some experience with geocoded mapping) might possibly be prepared to become voluntarily involved in our freeware healthcare education application (in the form of a pc simulation game).

Our geographic area of interest is the greater metropolitan Cape Town area. If anyone would be prepared to help, please contact me at jeremy_debeer at

Edit:strong text

I have been most fortunate in obtaining a fairly detailed geocoded map of the area (courtesy of a University of Stellenbosch academic) depicting 320 suburbs (which is key to our healthcare system simulation model as depicted on our abstracted Schematic World Map). I have also painstakingly pasted together a couple of composite png images depicting the corresponding area of interest within the OSM.

[A series of Dropbox links to these files are listed below].

I am hoping that someone might possibly be prepared to assist us in creating a dynamic loading map onto which a series of iconic links to our proposed healthcare structures can be positioned (please refer to for further relevant information). The optimal format of such a map is open to debate - whether it is the default OSM (which tends to obscure the individual icons), a somewhat less cluttered version (that will further highlight the individual icons) or a rendered 3d image (which could appear stunning) ....

Please note that the final (massive) image of the greater metropolitan Cape Town area extends somewhat beyond the initial geocoded map as we are potentially interested in adding some rural districts to the suburban healthcare regions.

[A copy of the latest version of a geocoded map of the greater metropolitan Cape Town area produced by a local University of Stellenbosch academic]

[A copy of a slightly modified version of the original MS Excel spreadsheet for the above geocoded map]

[A copy of a composite Road map of the greater metropolitan Cape Town area (without any superadded healthcare facility icons)]

[A copy of a composite Road map of the greater metropolitan Cape Town area (with a series of superadded healthcare facility icons)]

[A copy of a larger composite Road map of the greater metropolitan Cape Town area (without any superadded healthcare facility icons)]

We are hoping that someone will be able and willing to create a suitably detailed (and visually aesthetic) scenario map to complement our evolving Schematic World Map.

With kindest regards

Jeremy (and Thomas)

asked 26 Sep '13, 16:56

Jeremy%20de%20Beer's gravatar image

Jeremy de Beer
accept rate: 0%

edited 26 Sep '13, 17:48


Hello you both,

first, this is mora an FAQ site rather than a platform to find volunteers. A better place would have been the OSM mailing lists or the OSM forum.

see for other channels.

secondly I edited your email address ... it can be crawled by spam bots!

thirdly: Please edit your question (or write in forum or similar) and tell us how you think to use OSM in your project.

(26 Sep '13, 17:14) stephan75

Thank you so much for your assistance Stephan75.

(26 Sep '13, 17:49) Jeremy de Beer

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question asked: 26 Sep '13, 16:56

question was seen: 2,531 times

last updated: 26 Sep '13, 17:49

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum