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I want to show addr:housenumber on zoom level 16 but for some cities (like Berlin) the street names are covered by house numbers. It looks ok in Maperitive, but if use "generate-tiles", the numbers are cluttered together.

My question is: how can I show "less" house numbers?

I posted the rule below. I played aroud with placement-value and halo-width, but with no success. The worst actually: the house numbers are rendered above the street names. Even if that wasn't the case, the tiles would work for me.

Another idea was to use regex to only show numbers which end with a "0" - i.e. are divisible by 10.

There is a little documentation about this under feature selector: But I don't know how I could parse the value of addr:housenumber through regex.

Any ideas? Thanks, micz

P.S. here some more info and the rules:

target : housenumber
        min-zoom : 16
        text : [[addr:housenumber]]
        text-halo-width : 0
        text-color: #666666
        font-weight: normal
        font-size : 13
        placement-value : 0.01
    draw : text

asked 26 Sep '13, 10:32

micz's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Have you already tried to ask that on!forum/maperitive ?

(26 Sep '13, 17:19) stephan75

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question asked: 26 Sep '13, 10:32

question was seen: 12,178 times

last updated: 26 Sep '13, 17:19

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum