How can I download updated maps ( done by myself) to Saud Arbaia to my mobile? the application is : program Mapfctor : GPS Navigation and Osmand maps and navigation |
I can only speak to OSMAnd: If you want the latest data supplied by the OSMAnd people then look under Settings->Data Management then tap the download button in the top right and select the relevant region. A download button will appear below for you to use. If this doesn't work for your purposes or you are looking form a more up to date you can request your own "extract" from in OSMAnd format. You will recieve an email when it is processed. It is then up to you to figure out how to best to get it into the osmand folder on your phone. Last but not least if you download raw .osm data you can process it into an OSMAnd compatible map using the process described here. |
have you downloaded maps from any server by yourself or did you create maps yourself by converting raw OSM data into special format for mapfactor Navigator and Osmand?? Try any file explorer on your android device (like TotalCommander or similar) and inspect yourself where the former maps are stored. Then replace them by copying them into the correct folder. Maybe you have to unzip the maps for Osmand before. |