I am registered on my pc desktop. Apparently I can not go with that audit in my smartphone. I tray to login on my smartphone with the same data I use on my desktop but it does not work. JDG |
The question has been closed for the following reason "The question was self-answered, problem solved/non-existent." by aseerel4c26 26 Sep '13, 21:15
I apologize for this. I have on the smartphone (Galaxy SIII) by mistake 'register' used instead of the 'login' function. There are therefore no more problems to use OSM on the smartphone. JDG |
Where exactly are you trying to login?
I try it at home on my smartphone and a wifi connection between my desktop and my smartphone.
Are you talking about trying to log into the website "www.openstreetmap.org"?
What phone are you using and what actually happens? "Does not work" unfortunately does not explain what is actually happening.