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This section has no selections to request or to download the map (no buttons):

Request your map or download it directly: (Make a selection first)

asked 25 Sep '13, 14:51

brucemon's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 25 Sep '13, 23:46

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

The "download map" button will only be active if the particular choice has already been generated in the preceding 120 hours. If the map has not been generated, you will need to enter your email address and click the "Build my map| button.

This arrangement exists as the process of generating maps is resource intensive and it is impractical to pre-generate maps for the whole planet each week.

For the USA, you will only be able to request / download on state at a time. Check out the FAQ and Manual for advice on using more than one map at a time.

permanent link

answered 26 Sep '13, 07:01

rovingmedic's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

So I have to download each state separately? If that's true, it seems clunky.

(21 Oct '13, 16:10) nickstermon

Use the manual tile selection mode if you want to download more than one state at the same time. There may be a limit on the maximum number of tiles you can download too (?4GB file size limit). Check the FAQ on the website for more info.

(21 Oct '13, 19:21) rovingmedic

If you mean

you have to enable "Manual tile selecton mode" in the section above it. Then you can click single areas. (See Note that full country downloads (drop down moxes) are faster processed (Pre-made), some single tiles could also be already available.

Downloading the whole US does not seem to work at - that is also indicated by no "-" symbol in the drop down list. Please select a US state or use "manual tile selection".

Try Dave H's maps (direct link - there is one 4000 MB map of the whole USA, see readme file there).

permanent link

answered 25 Sep '13, 16:33

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 21 Oct '13, 16:31

I don't want to select manual tiles. Full country download button is not available on

(25 Sep '13, 22:42) brucemon

Works for me - but only if I pick a "popular" country:


as opposed to:


I guess your options are either to change your travel plans or wait the 6 minutes for a country map link to be emailed to you :)

(25 Sep '13, 23:12) SomeoneElse ♦

The "Download Map Now" isn't on the web page.

(25 Sep '13, 23:27) brucemon

It was for me 17 minutes ago (depending on the country you pick) - see screenshot above. Which country are you trying to download a map for?

(25 Sep '13, 23:32) SomeoneElse ♦

United States. I tried both IE9 and Chrome. Same result.

(25 Sep '13, 23:33) brucemon

Which state? As the web page says, you need to make a selection first:


(25 Sep '13, 23:37) SomeoneElse ♦

I downloaded the whole USA 2012-12-26. The file size is 3,598,528 KB. Works great on my Garmin Oregon 450. It was a godsend when we had to change plans in Glacier National Park. Being from Florida (thats 3,000 miles away) it was AWESOME having the entire map. That and I hit 5 other National parks in 5 other states. All on the same trip (7,100 miles total) last summer. So... what changed all I get is "Loading data, please wait"? Doesn't matter if I select UK or USA or Florida. Tried in Chrome and Firefox.

(28 Sep '13, 03:21) aerod
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question asked: 25 Sep '13, 14:51

question was seen: 9,628 times

last updated: 21 Oct '13, 19:21

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum