I am writing software that is trying to find off ramps along the highways. To do this I find ways with a highway value of This works pretty well, but it doesn't seem to work for all intersections/off-ramps. Here are two examples that don't work:
And here are two examples that do:
Can some one explain why the two I listed don't work? Any tricks or steps I need to add to my algorithm to make them work? EDIT: Here is a HTML file (that uses google maps) that shows all the intersections that I detect: http://pastie.org/private/wnakelvwdkndpgeafwdg As you can see my algorithm does well, but not not as well as i would like. |
The question has been closed for the following reason "Other" by Pieren 25 Sep '13, 15:45
I found the problem, I was ignoring ways without a name. |
Your examples seem to be correct in OSM. Maybe you should check again your code. Or publish it for peer review. Perhaps the problem is that some of the intersections are on a first or last node on the way...