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After staying with a lovely family in Ubud, Bali, Indonesia, I added their guest accomodations to OSM. A few months later, the node has been removed.

The deletion has been done by the user "thewhitevillas", who seems to be competing in the tourist accomodation branch. The only changeset created by this user deletes a lot of their competition (accomodations, etc.), and nodes that represent interesting or useful things around their competition (bars, supermarkets, coffeeshops, etc). They added restaurants, stores etc. around their own "villas" to make them look more appealing.

I've sent the user a message a day ago, but I do not expect a response, as this is clearly vandalism. Please revert changeset 16965149 and ban this user.

asked 24 Sep '13, 08:01

Sybren's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I wouldn't automatically assume vandalism - it may be an honest mistake; quite often users edit the map not realising it affects the data that everyone sees, just wanting to modify the map for their personal use (so just leaving what they want to show in the area they are interested in). After all, they've added lots of restaurants and the odd bank as well as themselves, so it would be a pity to lose this additional information by reverting the whole changeset and not keep the good bits.

Perhaps reverting the changeset and adding back the v1 nodes would work, although reverting will be complicated slightly by one of the ways being edited again since:

permanent link

answered 24 Sep '13, 08:33

EdLoach's gravatar image

EdLoach ♦
accept rate: 22%


I'll wait a few days for them to respond to my message, and keep you posted.

(24 Sep '13, 08:42) Sybren

I have undeleted everything that has been deleted in that changeset, but not touched the other items.

(24 Sep '13, 09:15) Frederik Ramm ♦

Thanks, that looks like a great solution!

(24 Sep '13, 09:17) Sybren

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question asked: 24 Sep '13, 08:01

question was seen: 2,761 times

last updated: 24 Sep '13, 09:17

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum