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A little over a week ago I added a few new roads to the map and continued a road someone else had started. I saved it, but now if I view the map, I have to scroll in very much for those roads to become visible. Other roads of the same type are visible sooner already. Why is that?

asked 24 Sep '13, 05:07

Eugenio07's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

closed 24 Sep '13, 07:23

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦

Can you name examples? You seem to have deleted lots of your own roads in your second changeset. Others created by you are visible, like this and this one.

(24 Sep '13, 06:12) scai ♦

Maybe I should just clarify. I can see the roads, but I have to "zoom in" more to see them then I have to zoom to see other roads of the same type.

(24 Sep '13, 06:35) Eugenio07

Then you should read at least the answers to this and this question.

(24 Sep '13, 07:23) scai ♦

To clarify: some zoom levels are rendered more frequently than others. So it is perfectly possible to see your changes on level 19, but not see them on level 11. The solution? Double-check your data, if correct, then wait.

(24 Sep '13, 10:16) gormo

The question has been closed for the following reason "Duplicate Question, see and" by scai 24 Sep '13, 07:23

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question asked: 24 Sep '13, 05:07

question was seen: 1,959 times

last updated: 24 Sep '13, 10:16

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum