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I'd like to build/get an RSS/Atom feed of all new POIs that add or modify the payment:bitcoin=yes attribute. Is this possible with existing functionality as or at another site using it as data source?

asked 23 Sep '13, 18:14

MagicFab's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

You could create your own server that generates the atom feed based upon an overpass query you regularly against the OSM database. see

I'm not aware of an existing service that delivers RSS/Atom feeds on particular tags. There is a service that delivers an rss feed for any change in a certain area. You might get some ideas from that site as well.

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answered 23 Sep '13, 20:39

escada's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

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question asked: 23 Sep '13, 18:14

question was seen: 3,036 times

last updated: 23 Sep '13, 20:39

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