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There are a number of tools that highlight roads without names, encouraging users to survey them.

What similar tools exist to highlight locations that needs to be surveyed for housenumbers ?

Possible conditions the tools should look for:

  1. A road starts or ends and there is no 'addr' tagged node nearby.
  2. An 'addr:interpolation' way does not have an addr tagged node on each end.

Possible presentations of the data include:

  1. A slippy map, so that users can add a web routing user interface on it, e.g. YOURS.
  2. The nodes where the errors occur in a file format supported by gpsbabel.

(Please give only one tool per answer)

asked 01 Feb '11, 20:58

Nic%20Roets's gravatar image

Nic Roets
accept rate: 6%

The address tool component of Geofabrik's OSM Inspector is able to explicitly identify examples of your second condition. It uses a slippy map, and offers direct links to browse and edit the data.

Indirectly OSM Inspector can be used to find the first condition, but expects buildings to be mapped first. This seems logical as there must be many roads with no buildings and therefore no addresses.

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answered 03 Feb '11, 00:00

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%

If you use Merkaartor then you can create a custom style with the style editor. You can hide or highlight certain features you're interested in. Before I go surveying some area I change the colors of ways/houses with missing information to dark red and print the map, for example.

Here's my style file. It colors buildings without addr:street/housenumber and residential roads without names. This version colors them in light blue/light red, but you can of course change that.

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answered 18 Dec '11, 14:20

SamuelLB's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

ITO Map has a layer for buildings and addresses. This highlights ways tagged as building, and whether or not they are tagged with address details. If they are tagged with addr:housenumber they are coloured green, if tagged with addr:housename or name they are blue, if no address they are red.

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answered 18 Dec '11, 16:26

Vclaw's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

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question asked: 01 Feb '11, 20:58

question was seen: 5,952 times

last updated: 18 Dec '11, 16:26

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum