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For setting maxspeed values in areas local to my home it is easy to note and remember the cross street. Or to walk by the sign and set a waypoint on my GPS unit.

But for driving cross country this is not feasible. There is no way I am going to stop at each speed sign an record a waypoint. Nor can I reliably remember the cross streets or land marks at each speed change. But I can drive the speed limit and I can record my track on the GPS which can save or export the track in GPX format.

My mountaineering map software has the ability to display the actual speed (I assume computed by change in distance and change in time) for all points on a GPX track. This type of thing would allow me to place the speed zone changes fairly closely which it probably better than having no maxspeed tags at all.

But I don't see a way using JOSM to do the same type of thing. Only to see the track to be able to trace over it. Is there a plug in for that or am I missing something?

asked 22 Sep '13, 01:51

n76's gravatar image

accept rate: 17%

I use OSMTracker for this.

I created a layout with common UK speed limits and have my phone mounted on the dashboard.

When it is safe to do so, I press the relevant button which places text markers on the gpx track. I can then add speed limits to OSM once at home.

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answered 22 Sep '13, 07:32

fruit-uk's gravatar image

accept rate: 25%

I hadn't looked at OSMTracker until reading your answer, but I've downloaded it now, created a custom button set with the typical US speeds in 5 MPH increments with icons and played around with it. Looks like it will work. I'd still rather have a tool that doe not require me to divert my attention from the road to press buttons, but in the meantime this should do.

(22 Sep '13, 15:36) n76

I would suggest a different approach using one of:

  • geo-referenced voice notes
  • geo-referenced photos
  • video

While your proposed approach has its merits, in the end you would have to filter out temporary restrictions, traffic, roads that don't allow you to drive at the speed limit, weather and so on.

There is some work underway to derive information from aggregated GPS data (not just one track) which would seem to avoid most of the issues I mentioned above.

To finally answer your question: no there doesn't seem to be a JOSM plugin that supports calculating and displaying speed information, however it would likely be fairly simply to adapt one of the existing GPX processing plugins to display this information too.

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answered 22 Sep '13, 06:53

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 22 Sep '13, 08:42

When I get some time I will look into the GPX plugins and see about making such a tool. But my road trip is in four days and I'm pretty busy between now and then.

(22 Sep '13, 15:38) n76

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question asked: 22 Sep '13, 01:51

question was seen: 4,183 times

last updated: 22 Sep '13, 15:38

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