I expected http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Cycle to be useful but it contains only designs that are not directly applicable here. example of place that I am trying to map: https://maps.google.pl/maps?hl=pl&ll=50.076535,19.889014&spn=0.001759,0.005284&t=m&z=18&layer=c&cbll=50.076725,19.88906&panoid=M2LmYxztdWP-M6Kkcaswig&cbp=12,156.17,,0,7.13 (motorway is not important here, but it is the photo that I found) I am more and more confused whatever I should use path, foot path or maybe bicycle path. And whatever I should use yes or designated. For now, based mainly on http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:bicycle%3Ddesignated and http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:access it seems that I should use path with bicycle=designated, foot=designated and segregated=yes. Unfortunately, it seems impossible to set segregated = yes in iD editor and on default map display it is rendered as footway, what result in display that makes no sense - footway with small bits of cycleway where it temporarily diverges. In attached map cycleway is continuous, but it is lost by rendering software and I am not sure what I should do to avoid it. Creating separate paths in this case seems like an awful hack. |
Use the following tags for that specific cycleway: highway=cycleway bicycle=designated foot=designated segregated=yes Do not use highway=path for it as it was a hack that did not come out as good as expected. Why "highway=cycleway" rather than "highway=footway"?
(21 Sep '13, 22:09)
bicycle=designated is not wrong but redundant in this case, as always this is however somewhat disputed as nearly everything in the cycleway/footway/path space
(22 Sep '13, 09:59)
SimonPoole ♦
You can add "segregated=yes" in iD - select "all tags" below the normal tag lists and you can add new tags there. If you start typing "segregated" it'll even complete the word for you!