This question might be stupid but I cannot figure out how to get the way ID into a place where I can copy it (Ctrl-C) to the Clipboard so so I can later paste it (Ctrl-V) into an email. I can see the ID when I look at its History but I cannot copy it from the Menu Bar of that dialog box into an email or anyplace else. I'm sure there must be a way to accomplish this. Thanks in advance. |
Instead of the history (ctrl-h) try the advanced info (ctrl-i) where the ID should be easily copyable. If not, then either open the history (web) (ctrl-shift-h) or the advanced info (web) (ctrl-shift-i) where you can copy the ID directly from your browser. It also works fine in the "selection" sidebar tab.
(20 Sep '13, 10:46)
Vincent de P... ♦
Thanks scai - that is exactly what I was looking for. @Vincent - I do not see it in the "Selection sidebar" whatever that is. If you mean the Selection window, I don't see it there eitker.
(20 Sep '13, 10:55)
@AlaskaDave You can show the selection tab by selecting it in the windows menu, or using the default shortcur Alt-Shift-T. It just lists all the objects curently selected.
(20 Sep '13, 15:14)
Vincent de P... ♦
very thanks.
(21 Sep '19, 03:26)
Just select a way, copy it (Ctrl + C) and paste the ID into your email (Ctrl + V). Voila! |
By the way, you can find the way id easily in the website OSM. By selecting a point a long the road, right-click, then select Thanks, that is simple and useful.
(21 Sep '19, 07:35)
andy mackey
Can you tell us with editor or application you are using?
I can see a JOSM tag :)
I can also see an id tag ;) (but yes, I think JOSM in this case)
I'm using JOSM - see keywords and title