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Hello, I modified a building, but then realized that only about half of the perimeter can be selected at one time. (That is unless you click inside the area) This is one of the points that "connect" the two parts of the parimeter: Can this be fixed without redrawing the building? It wouldn't be too much work, I just want to understand what is going on. Thanks

asked 19 Sep '13, 03:05

robfors's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 19 Sep '13, 03:44

Hello and welcome to OSM, I see you're using the iD editor so in that case click the first section to highlight/select it, shift+click to highlight/select the next section, (shift+click any other section to be merged), with all relevant sections highlighted/selected click "merge these lines". The area's perimeter should be merged into one way. Regards Bernard

Edit. Having answered the question I then looked at the building in JOSM (my preferred editor) and see that the building is in fact a multipolygon. The two sections of it's perimeter are joined in a relation, so there is no need to physically join them.

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answered 19 Sep '13, 07:43

BCNorwich's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

edited 19 Sep '13, 07:54

Hi maybay to quick, but both buildings consist now 11.00 et out of 2 outlines, please join the pairs.

(19 Sep '13, 10:05) Hendrikklaas

Yes please. Don't create multipolygons when it's not necessary. Join the 2 ways into one, move the tags from the relation to the closed way and delete the relation.

(19 Sep '13, 12:34) Pieren

Note that multipolygon relation is only required when the way may exceed 2000 nodes (the max allowed in OSM) or when you have inners (holes in the surface).

(19 Sep '13, 12:35) Pieren

Excellent, the "merge these lines" was just what I was looking for.

(19 Sep '13, 15:21) robfors

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question asked: 19 Sep '13, 03:05

question was seen: 3,838 times

last updated: 19 Sep '13, 15:21

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum