I have some SID files that are better than the background images in OSM. Is there a way to upload my files? |
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I have some SID files that are better than the background images in OSM. Is there a way to upload my files? |
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question asked: 17 Sep '13, 18:13
question was seen: 1,926 times
last updated: 19 Sep '13, 12:40
NOTICE: help.openstreetmap.org is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum
where do the files come from? What licence conditions are attached to them?
Hmm... good question. I guess I better hold off because I don't know. I work for local government and I know who we pay to do our aerials and we have good ones that go back 10 years. I wouldn't give away our most recent ones but I don't know the conditions of the old ones and licensing and whatnot, so I will wait until I figure that out.