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How can I reject my (still open) change set? Unfortunately something went terribly wrong. In particular JOSM moved a street away. Now I moved it (approximated) back by hand.

asked 17 Sep '13, 17:13

Nobelium's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The changes you made in your changeset already are written to the OSM database¹. As far as I know there also isn't any way to reject a not closed changeset.
The solution for your problem I would suggest:

  • close the changeset
  • revert the changeset using the reverter plugin
  • select the previously misaligned way and upload only the selection
  • (in a new data layer: download the region anew and check if everything is fine)

PS: Don't get too upset about your error. Only who does nothing does nothing wrong. Maybe it soothes your mind if you have a look at errors other people made. :)

¹ here

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answered 17 Sep '13, 17:42

malenki's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

edited 17 Sep '13, 17:44

Thank you very much for your PS (and your answer). Now I'm happy again :-)

(17 Sep '13, 18:01) Nobelium

Glad I could help and make you happy. (;

(17 Sep '13, 18:14) malenki

It seems that you have closed this changeset already, or that it closed automatically after a delay. Annoyingly there is no way to "cancel" a changeset that has already been partially uploaded. OSM changeset do not map to database transactions.

What you can do is "revert" a changeset, which actually involves creating another changeset that does the reverse of the original. The josm revert plugin helps with that. You can even do a partial revert, but it can become tricky quickly. If you do not trust yourself with this operation, feel free to ask for a revert here or on irc.

In case you hadn't spoted it, josm has a changeset manager in the windows menu. Not quite what you are looking for, but still useful. And of course, one of josm's advantage is that you can take your time (even save your work localy and come back to it days later) to check a changeset before you upload it.

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answered 17 Sep '13, 17:43

Vincent%20de%20Phily's gravatar image

Vincent de P... ♦
accept rate: 19%

When you save your edits locally and try to upload them some days later it can happen that you first have to resolve conflicts when other mappers have worked in that region, too.

(17 Sep '13, 18:02) malenki

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question asked: 17 Sep '13, 17:13

question was seen: 3,196 times

last updated: 17 Sep '13, 18:14

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum