In JOSM I would like to open a geo tagged jpg file I took with my phone. It seems to require a GPX file to do this, which I do not have. (I took the photo as a visual note to change a particular OSM object). How do I do this? thanks |
For opening JPG photos in JOSM, you can just go to File menu -> Open, and select the photos. Or drag and drop the files onto the JOSM window. Then if the photos are geotagged, JOSM will show them on the map. This is part of the core JOSM program, no need for any plugins. If JOSM prompts for "Correlate image with GPX track", that means the photos are not geotagged. Or they are not geotagged in a way that JOSM understands. You could use other software to check if the images are geotagged. eg if using a recent version of Windows, right click on the JPG, then select "Properties", then select the "Details" tab. There should be several GPS tags for latitude/longitude. Or you can try IrfanView, or Geosetter, they can also show any GPS tags. If none of this software shows tags for coordinates, it suggests your phone is not actually geotagging the photos. Or it is doing it in some non-standard way. So check the settings on your phone and camera app, or try another app. Note that even if geotagging is enabled, it might take a while for the phone to get a GPS fix. So you might have to start the camera app, then wait for it to get the location, before taking any photos. If other software shows your photos are tagged, then it could be a bug with JOSM. So first try out the latest development version of JOSM, it may have been fixed recently. If that doesn't work, you can report a bug it on the JOSM trac, preferably with a link to an example JPG. |
Check the JOSM plugins list: especially the ImportImagePlugin. 1
The PicLayer and ImportImage plugins are for loading background images as a layer. eg aerial imagery, or a scanned map. They are not necessary (and won't work) for a normal 'on the ground' photo.
(19 Sep '13, 13:06)