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Hi I'd like to be able to define my own place names (features) and categories (values).

use custom calcs/traces (feature/value) and automaticly place them on a map by loading a file. On the map, each calc/trace (feature/value) would be a colored dot. In the file the first column would be the RGB color code (HTML format #RRGGBB) (Ex. FF0000, 0000FF) the second column would be the place type (Ex. 0000, FFFF) and the following columns (on the same line) would be the complet address inside single qoutes.

in this example: 0000 corresponding to 'restaurant' FFFF corresponding to 'gas station' FF0000 corresponding to red in HTML 0000FF corresponding to blue in HTML

Ex. FF0000 0000 '1234 Main st. Smalltown CA. U.S.A.' 0000FF FFFF '4000 5nd st. Smalltown CA. U.S.A.'

This would place 1 red and 1 blue dots in the map at those 2 addresse locations and zoom in if necessary. The zoom parameters would be user defined.

Each line in the file (seperated by \n \r \n\r for UNIX/MAC/Windows resp.) corresponding to a dot on the map. There can an an infinit (modulo OS/device limits) number of lines in a file (dots on the map). If 2 or more dots point at the same addresse then if they are the same color then place the number of dots inside the red dot on the map. I use the color of the dot (in this case red) when 2 or more dots point at the same addresse and are not different. Ex. if '1234 Main st. Smalltown CA. U.S.A.' has 2 restorants then '2' would appear on the map at '1234 Main st. Smalltown CA. U.S.A.' within a red dot.Clicking on it would expand to 2 red dots.

If they are the not same color then place the number of dots inside alternating color the dot on the map. I use the alternating color dot when 2 or more dots point at the same addresse and are different. Ex. if '1234 Main st. Smalltown CA. U.S.A.' has 1 restorant and a gas station then '2' would appear on the map at '1234 Main st. Smalltown CA. U.S.A.' within a alternating color dot. In this case red and blue.In this case the above file contents would be: FF0000 0000 '1234 Main st. Smalltown CA. U.S.A.' 0000FF FFFF '1234 Main st. Smalltown CA. U.S.A.' Clicking on it would expand to 1 red and 1 blue dot.

The alternating color would be those of the correcponding items.In this case red (FF0000) and blue (0000FF). The alternating time is user defined.

The exact rendering of those dot would be depandant on the number of dots and location within the map taking into account the available screen space.It is unspecified weather they are from left to right,top to bottom, ect...

Thx :)

asked 16 Sep '13, 16:04

Marc0's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

closed 16 Sep '13, 16:41

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦

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(16 Sep '13, 16:41) Richard ♦

The question has been closed for the following reason "Not a question" by Richard 16 Sep '13, 16:41

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question asked: 16 Sep '13, 16:04

question was seen: 2,271 times

last updated: 16 Sep '13, 16:41

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum