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I just wanted to create a proposal on wiki.

|definition=give way to the vehicles coming from the right

this route sign is missing, more info [ here]<br>
if there is no any traffic signals, or restrictions in an intersection, than this tag should by defined<br>
if there is no any traffic signals, or restrictions in an intersection, than this tag should by defined inner city<br>
name of the tag and value can be: highway=equal_roads<br>
Applies to<br>
intersection node<br>
a cross sign as in the route sign<br>
Features/Pages affected<br>
This usage of this route sign is common in Hungary often hard to detect whether the intersection is equal or not, if this sign is missing. driver should looking for a give a way sign.<br>

But I can not save the page, and I got the following error:

Warning: This action has been automatically identified as harmful. Unconstructive edits will be quickly reverted, and egregious or repeated unconstructive editing will result in your account or IP address being blocked. If you believe this action to be constructive, you may submit it again to confirm it. A brief description of the abuse rule which your action matched is: Spam bot (main)

And the link of the page I wanted to edit/create is:
What did I wrong? Thanks

asked 15 Sep '13, 14:26

Hib's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Most probably you triggered spam bot because of not so great formatting of your text. See mediawiki formatting for better text formatting.

PS! Your proposal does not cover left hand traffic.

permanent link

answered 15 Sep '13, 14:55

RM87's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

edited 15 Sep '13, 15:03

i can not see any issue with the formatting - maybe the new line - but I could not find any other way defining new line

(15 Sep '13, 15:06) Hib

You shouldn't use <br> tags in the wiki. To start a new paragraph, just leave a empty line. Also, it would probably be better to use headings for each section. eg ===Tagging===

(15 Sep '13, 15:59) Vclaw

i dont want to start new paragraph, only new line - still missing info how to do that - anyway i used === so now i could submit the new proposal

(15 Sep '13, 16:44) Hib

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question asked: 15 Sep '13, 14:26

question was seen: 16,095 times

last updated: 15 Sep '13, 16:44

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum