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I am trying to install the OSM Australia Cycle Maps ( into BaseCamp (Mac).

The downloaded map folder contains .img files.

I open the folder in JaVaWa MapConverter and am told there is no .tdb file.

I download the 'Overview and TDB' file from the above link and place the two resulting files (a .img and .tdb file) in the folder containing the .img files.

I am then told by JaVaWa that the folder does not contain all the necessary .img files with map segments.

QUESTION: How do I install the OSM Australia Cycle Maps into BaseCamp?

Thanks in advance

asked 15 Sep '13, 01:50

cd90's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Steps to install:

  1. Download the State's Cycle maps, as well as the Overview and TDB map from
  2. Download Gmapibuilder from
  3. Place the contents of the Overview and TDB download in the downloaded State folder
  4. Open Gmapibuilder and click the three dots next to TDB file field, and select the TDB file in the State folder.
  5. Gmapibuilder will automatically identify the IMG files.
  6. Click 'Convert'.
  7. Quit Gmapibuilder and open the State folder. Inside will be the new .gmapi file.
  8. Double-click the .gmapi file to install it (it will automatically open Garmin MapManager - if you don't have it, install it)
  9. Enjoy your maps.
permanent link

answered 28 Sep '13, 11:29

cd90's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 15 Sep '13, 01:50

question was seen: 8,482 times

last updated: 28 Sep '13, 11:29

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum