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I would like to add a route sign to the end of the street tag would be highway=stop. And what to do with the related picture for example: traffic_sign=DE:206. I could not find any useful info in the related wiki I only found possibilities for turning route signs. Can you help me? (off: I would like to define all the route signs for my hometown - so my mother would be alerted by OSMand)
Edit: info how to define restriction can be found here

asked 11 Sep '13, 20:48

Hib's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 15 Sep '13, 14:32

You already found two relevant tags. What is you actual question? How to add those using one of the editors? And I'm not convinced osmand will actually recognize the traffic_sign tag.

(12 Sep '13, 13:54) scai ♦

i do not know how to add these tags to the and of a steet - i do not mind which editor, so if you have a solution by using one of them, then please share it

(12 Sep '13, 22:11) Hib

When you run this overpass query, you'll find a few highway stops. The tagging is highway=stop. You place it on a node of the street on which you have to stop, close to the crossing to which it applies.

You will not see icons on the map of

So highway=stop or highway=give_way are nodes on the highway. For maxspeed, we typically do not map the sign, but place maxspeed=<speed> on the street. The same for max weight, max length, max width.

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answered 14 Sep '13, 15:55

escada's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

it would be better to define these tags at the intersection node/point like the turn restrictions. Since these signs used only because of an intersection/crossing - so these signs should not be used anywhere else on the street - what do you think?

(15 Sep '13, 09:27) Hib

That is only possible in Belgium, since you do not have 4 way stops. Typically the main road has right of way, the stop/give way is only on the minor road. When you place it at the interection, you don't know which road has the stop sign

(15 Sep '13, 18:52) escada
(15 Sep '13, 19:06) Hib

The wiki is the right place. For the "DE:206" stop sign, check this page for all German road signs:

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answered 13 Sep '13, 09:41

Pieren's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%


still dont know how to define traffic signs - just add the tag to a street/route? can you please show 1 example on OSM?

(13 Sep '13, 15:00) Hib

two hints:

That is a plugin for the offline OSM editor JOSM.


go to and enter any value for a street sign you want to use in its search box, like traffic_sign=DE:206

Proceed by klicking on one vaue in the Value column, and in the next screen there is a little symbol like a steering wheel (next to XAPI and JOSM button), klick it.

This will lead you to ... zoom out so that you can see whole Germany or similar, and press "Ausführen" ... thus you can see how that sign is used.

(13 Sep '13, 17:28) stephan75

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question asked: 11 Sep '13, 20:48

question was seen: 3,955 times

last updated: 15 Sep '13, 19:06

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