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How and where can I export an osm map into a svg file so that it's usable in adobe illustrator? The original export-tab with these options seems to have been changed.

asked 11 Sep '13, 10:04

laurensnc's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The original export tab has largely moved to the "share" button on the right, but that was never suitable for generating AI-compatible SVG. You will need to install a program called Maperitive and use that to generate your SVG. Type "Illustrator" in the search box above for more.

permanent link

answered 11 Sep '13, 10:26

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

(11 Sep '13, 15:26) stephan75

Maperitive is only available for PC. I haven't seen one that you can download on a Mac. Any answers?

(26 Aug '14, 22:03) NickBockelman

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question asked: 11 Sep '13, 10:04

question was seen: 18,364 times

last updated: 27 Aug '14, 00:39

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