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I have a gpx file with a single point, I'd like to import to OSM as a POI

The file from my app looks like (from GPSLogger)

<trk> <trkseg> <trkpt lat="-XX.XXX" lon="XXX.XXXXXX"> <ele>99.0</ele> <speed>0.0</speed> <hdop>30.0</hdop> <src>gps</src> <sat>6</sat> <time>2013-09-10T18:52:02Z</time> </trkpt>

When I load this gpx file into OSM it takes me to the point, but there is no marker there.

How can I modify the file to be a POI? does gpsbabel support this ?

I've tried

$>gpsbabel -i gpx  -f infile.gpx -x transform,rte=wpt -o gpx -F route.gpx

but this doesn't seem to help

My goal is to log tree locations , along with notes on their species, so I would go to the site, mark the tree, then hit "log single location", the app then saves a gpx, I can convert all of these files at one go after the fact if necessary.

Cheers, Tim

NOTE: I edited to fix my previously broken gpsbabel command line and attempted to fix to display xml correctly

asked 11 Sep '13, 00:47

iondiode's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 11 Sep '13, 02:52

meta: you can insert XML here. Indent the code with one tab (4 spaces would also work). Use a advanced (not notepad) text editor to easily indent. See that other question for example. Note that the preview feature is showing a wrong preview.

(11 Sep '13, 01:10) aseerel4c26 ♦

It would clarify to others if you could explain what you mean by "load this gpx file into OSM" and "drops a waypoint in OSM". How/where?

(11 Sep '13, 13:52) aseerel4c26 ♦

arg! I hate answering my own question, but I think this was just an issue with my gpsbabel command

$>gpsbabel -i gpx  -f infile.gpx -x transform,trk=wpt -o gpx -F route.gpx

drops a waypoint in OSM, which makes sense "transform my track into a list of waypoints" not the "rte" as I didn't have one.

Sorry to bother

Cheers, Tim

permanent link

answered 11 Sep '13, 02:56

iondiode's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


To upload a .gpx to OSM it used to have to have at least one valid trackpoint in it (regardless of how many valid waypoints it had). Has that changed?

(11 Sep '13, 13:08) SomeoneElse ♦

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question asked: 11 Sep '13, 00:47

question was seen: 3,070 times

last updated: 11 Sep '13, 13:52

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum