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hi, is there a way to generate tiles for hi resolution devices like sony xperia z which is 1920x1080. the existing tiles are way too small that can't see the fonts and roads at all.

asked 10 Sep '13, 13:30

old%20guy's gravatar image

old guy
accept rate: 0%

edited 27 Feb '14, 12:57

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦


For info - are you talking about the tiles that are viewable via the website here, or some other website or application?

(10 Sep '13, 16:17) SomeoneElse ♦

@SomeoneElse thanks for reply. i am working on an app with osmdroid. as it only draws the tiles per its real pixels, features drawn on a 256x256 tile is way too small to be readable on a 720p or HD devices.

(11 Sep '13, 05:38) old guy

In case you do not want to "generate" tiles yourself … currently there are lyrk's high-res tiles available (signup/fee needed if you want to use them). Example comparision (not sure if that will show correctly on a high res device, you can see the high resolution of the tiles by using your browser's zoom).

(29 Sep '14, 01:15) aseerel4c26 ♦

i managed to setup my tile server with osm and mapnik and set the tile image scale to 2. the tiles are now more readable as the roads and fonts are doubled in size. however the text are being clipped here and there if they exceeded the tile, and the roads are getting too big in lower zoom levels (say below 10). seems has a lot of works to do on the styling on text size, word wrapping and road size. but that likely the right way to go i guess?

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answered 11 Sep '13, 05:43

old%20guy's gravatar image

old guy
accept rate: 0%


Using an internet search engine with "osm tiles retina" gives you a bunch of hits where hi-res tiles are topic already ... and there are already solutions in the real web world.

Maybe you can find a solution for your concrete problem?

(11 Sep '13, 08:33) stephan75

searched for days already and not particularly useful to a native app. some closer directions are either use cloudmade hi-res tiles or gen-it-yourself. which is what i am heading now.

(11 Sep '13, 08:54) old guy

My mobile has a resolution of about 250 dpi and I am having to work round it by putting my device to zoom 15, going online to let it download the maps for that zoom level, then putting it offline forcing it to magnify the level 15 tiles at zoom 16 and 17.

That works, but it is clumsy so I'll be interested to hear a "proper" answer to this too.

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answered 10 Sep '13, 15:37

harg's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

edited 10 Sep '13, 15:39

@harg thanks for the info. i am working on an app using osmdroid. that would be too much work and not quite suitable for phones with small storages. and i am heading with 320dpi and above so that's not quite feasible to me i think. can't make it all the way through zoom level 13/14 up to 17/18.

(11 Sep '13, 05:39) old guy

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question asked: 10 Sep '13, 13:30

question was seen: 5,729 times

last updated: 29 Sep '14, 01:15

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