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To Whom It May Concern:

I have notice now for the last couple of weeks if not months. When you export data from OSM for your personal work form osm. The download take a while and when suddenly in both IE and Google chrome reports that there is a network error.

I need the OSM data for X-Plane

Please could you help me.



asked 09 Sep '13, 17:55

FrancoisM's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Have you tried using one of the extracts from the "extracts and mirrors" section on this page?

(09 Sep '13, 21:48) SomeoneElse ♦

Please type "export" or "download" in the search field of this FAQ site ... there are already a bunch of similar questions about this issue. It is known that the export funktion of the main site often runs into trouble due to server capacities.

There are other solutions how you can download raw OSM data for bigger areas, wich you will find in answers on this site.

permanent link

answered 11 Sep '13, 08:23

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

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question asked: 09 Sep '13, 17:55

question was seen: 2,952 times

last updated: 11 Sep '13, 08:23

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum