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Hi There!

I can not click on a POI to get the details about it. But I am sure there is more info about a POI not just the name of it. How can I get the details about a POI I see on the map? Thanks in advance.

asked 07 Sep '13, 11:38

Hib's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 07 Dec '13, 23:10

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

You can get some features like this at third-party sites such as OpenStreetBrowser.

The site at isn't intended to be a general-purpose map portal, but a demo of what data is available in OpenStreetMap and as a tool for mappers to check their work. You can look at the data behind any point of interest by enabling the data layer, but this isn't the same as having nicely formatted details on a pop-up.

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answered 07 Sep '13, 12:08

Jonathan%20Bennett's gravatar image

Jonathan Ben...
accept rate: 18%

edited 07 Sep '13, 12:16

There is also a POI popup layer based on the Overpass API. It is still a beta version but might eventually get integrated into the main map. You can read more about it on the wiki and the mailing list.

Meanwhile this feature has been integrated into the front page and can be accessed via the ? button.

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answered 07 Sep '13, 19:33

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

edited 12 Dec '15, 20:00

You can. On the right side of the map at there are menus, click on the one labeled "layers" that looks like 3 stacked pieces of paper. scroll to the bottom and put a checkbox on "Map Data". Now you can click on POIs, ways etc. to get more info about them.

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answered 07 Sep '13, 17:26

Matija%20Nalis's gravatar image

Matija Nalis
accept rate: 11%

edited 07 Sep '13, 17:26 might be a nice map service for you.

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answered 12 Dec '15, 19:28

geohobbes's gravatar image

accept rate: 33%

Yet another site that provides filterable, clickable POIs:

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answered 30 Aug '16, 22:15

Richlv's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

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question asked: 07 Sep '13, 11:38

question was seen: 9,778 times

last updated: 30 Aug '16, 22:15

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum