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I've been working lately on mapping the bus lines in my home city (Tucson, AZ, USA), but I'm not sure how to confirm that my edits are correct.

Öpnvkarte and the main site transport layer are nice, and do well with "overshooting" errors where I forgot to properly split a way at a turn in the bus route. They don't, however, help me to:

  • Keep the ways within the relations ordered (as recommended by the Public Transport schema). I'm especially not sure what happens when I split a way that's part of a relation (e.g. when a bus route I'm mapping now shares a road with a previously-mapped one along a small section).
  • Deal with stops. I haven't gotten to this step yet, preferring to do the routes first, but the few I've tried don't seem to appear correctly.

There's a lot of contradictory information on public transport mapping -- the Öpnvkarte page mentions the 'forward'/'backward' roles, for example, and there's many ways to map stops. I'm wondering if there's a tool I can use as a sort of baseline, or at the very least to check some subset of what I'm doing a bit more thoroughly.

asked 07 Sep '13, 07:42

ianmcorvidae's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I find JOSM useful while creating the relation - double clicking on the relation will highlight it so that it's easy to verify connectivity. It also has a "Public Transport" plugin that will automatically order ways in the relation and assign forward/backward roles to create a continuous path.

Re: Stops - some of the map rendering is behind, so most people tag bus stops with both highway=bus_stop and public_transport=platform to assist with the transition.

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answered 07 Sep '13, 11:34

Mike%20N's gravatar image

Mike N
accept rate: 17%


Good to know -- I don't generally use JOSM (a couple times of it failing to let me type letters was enough -- probably my own fault with OS/window manager choices, but perhaps I'll need to try again!). Do you know how/if the public transport plugin figures out what it should consider the start and which the end?

(07 Sep '13, 11:39) ianmcorvidae

It picks the open segment as start / end. If it picks the wrong direction, you can use the Public Transport Plugin "Reflect" tool to reverse the sense of start and end.

(08 Sep '13, 16:19) Mike N

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question asked: 07 Sep '13, 07:42

question was seen: 4,505 times

last updated: 08 Sep '13, 16:19

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum