Hi I have a dumb question maybe because I don't really understand how the generation of tiles depending on the minLon,MinLat, MaxLon,MaxLat numbers? How to calculate /folderNumber(Zoom) /FolderNumber tileNumber ??? |
Starting in the OSM wiki about Tiles ... there is a link to Slippy_map_tilenames Tell us if you cannot a solution though. hi @Stephan75, I have saw those earlier, but the problem is I don't understand how much to cicle for each zoom to get next tile? -74.25909,40.477399,-73.700172,40.917577. Lets say 40.477399-40.917577 . For each zoom level loop how much should be the step value ? (0.001 ? 0.002? ) . I would be very greatfull if somebody will provide an example on perl or php ...
(06 Sep '13, 15:58)
Are you talking about in the context of something like "generate_tiles.py" or in some other context?
I am talking overall.
Er what? Perhaps it would help if you could explain what exactly it is that you are trying to do.
I am trying in rhomobile(ruby mobile app framework) write a mechanism of tile caching for a given bbox