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I am completely new to OSM. Sorry if this is a dumb question.

My goal is to list the nearest gas stations in order, or all gas stations within a certain area. They don't need to be displayed on a map.

I have found out that I need to use amenity=fuel, but I'm not sure how to make the query, or where to run the query.

asked 05 Sep '13, 14:48

pag11123's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

One of the possible solutions is to run an overpass query. The one should list all the gas stations within the bounding box that you specify. I'm aware that this is a graphical UI, but you can run the same query from any program language (as it is an http call). The data is can be returned as GeoJSON. All gas stations are specified with the coordinates, so you application can calculate the distance to each one and order them.

More information on overpass can be found here:

permanent link

answered 05 Sep '13, 17:42

escada's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%


Also, if you want a non-interactive version, you might want to consider "normal" Overpass rather than the turbo version, which supports both its own and the old XAPI-style syntax.

(05 Sep '13, 17:52) SomeoneElse ♦

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question asked: 05 Sep '13, 14:48

question was seen: 8,945 times

last updated: 05 Sep '13, 17:52

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum