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Hi I am new to the open streetmap ,I am going to make a new app for london bus travel timeincluding tram and underground and overground trin timetable along with the passengers positions and distance from the nearest bus tram or tube station. Now my question is i found that for making that kind of app I must have to use openstreet map ,but I dont know where to start in open street map for programming my map view along with gps tracking. pls anyone give some advice from where to start. Many thanks

asked 05 Sep '13, 03:30

immam's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

If you're using a live public transport GPS feed, then it's worth mentioning that a few people have done stuff in this area before, and it's possible that some of it may be appropriately licensed for you to reuse. One example that springs to mind is the one mentioned in, but there are many others.

(05 Sep '13, 13:09) SomeoneElse ♦

You may want to look at OpenTripPlanner. This is a global open source initiative that seems to already be doing what you are planning. It may be better to team up with them than reinvent the wheel, so to speak. A version has been rolled out for London.

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answered 05 Sep '13, 11:31

rovingmedic's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

One open source product which would assist with the back end of an application to support public transit route planning is Open Trip Planner. It requires a server with some significant resources to serve up route plans that include public transit.

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answered 05 Sep '13, 11:32

Mike%20N's gravatar image

Mike N
accept rate: 17%

My answer to this would be basically the same given here: Tutorials About Parsing Osmpbf.

I don't know all the available libraries/programs so I can't give you any specific guidance here. But this is what I'm expecting based on what I have seen.

For timetable/bus routing I would expect to find little to no work being done for app programming (where I assume app means iOS/Android and not desktop application).

If you do find something, or if you are going to develop it all yourself, the process will be to read raw OSM data (PBF or XML) and convert it to a format your app will use. There is likely existing specifications for storing route and times to be used in such a manner, but maybe you'll need to specify your own.

My main point is you're not likely to find a framework which would allow you to setup an app and customize it with your desired goals. Though maybe utilizing the work of existing apps may be of value, such as OsmAnd.

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answered 05 Sep '13, 04:58

he_the_great's gravatar image

accept rate: 14%


You should start with Open Trip Planner, it is a family of open-source software projects that provide passenger information and transportation network analysis services.

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answered 07 Apr '20, 06:15

Smith%20Hennry's gravatar image

Smith Hennry
accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 05 Sep '13, 03:30

question was seen: 5,227 times

last updated: 07 Apr '20, 06:15

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