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I would like to map the Coal mines of the Hunter Valley in NSW, Australia.

There are a number of things I would like to map, which don't seem to have valid tags listed in the wiki:

  • Boundary of Mine Lease ( Above ground ) - usually significantly larger than the actual mine, but still inaccessible to the public, and often contains many private roads.
  • Boundary of Mine Lease ( Below ground ) - same, but no indications on the surface.
  • Boundary of actual mined area below ground and underground passages (if available)
  • Mineral stockpile areas such as here: Kooragang Island (google maps)
  • Conveyor belts for transporting coal

Please advise which tags I should use for these.



asked 04 Sep '13, 22:20

ozhiker's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Evan,

i'll suggest a few things, other peope will probably suggest different things.

Boundary of Mine Lease ( Above ground ) - usually significantly larger than the actual mine, but still inaccessible to the public, and often contains many private roads.

If the area is designated as "private" on the ground as with a fence or signs, tag it as a polygon with access=private and name=XY Coal mine site

Boundary of Mine Lease ( Below ground ) - same, but no indications on the surface.

I'd not input the data to OSM if it is not verifiable by other members of the OSM community. Where do you get the knowledge of the lease area from? Is it public?

Boundary of actual mined area below ground and underground passages (if available)

Same as above, but i would be even more reluctant to import such data into OSM. It will get outdates pretty soon, also (at least here in germany) the exact mine plans are considered very sensitive information and not disseminated to the public. They will get outdated soon, as the mining activity progesses.

Mineral stockpile areas such as here: Kooragang Island (google maps)

Use landuse=landfill or landuse=spoil_heap

Conveyor belts for transporting coal

The one I know of is tagged aerialway=goods

permanent link

answered 06 Sep '13, 13:53

gormo's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

I would not consider a polygon with a name and access tag as valid. A tag qualifying the closed way is required. We even don't know if it is an area ! Look also "man_made=conveyor" Try "landuse=stockpile"

All these points should be discussed on the mailing list

(06 Sep '13, 16:01) Pieren

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question asked: 04 Sep '13, 22:20

question was seen: 4,641 times

last updated: 06 Sep '13, 16:01

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum