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I am looking to create a route from Detroit, MI to Chicago, IL and export it with all the road and traffic sign information. I would not be interested in roads in the surrounding area to keep the size to a minimum. My goal is to use this with a simulation software which only accepts OSM formatted .xml files.

It appears that OSRM does something like this ( but it only exports as GPX. Do you have any suggestions?

asked 03 Sep '13, 21:23

PocketDoor's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Everything about routing with OSM based data should be collected at the OSM wiki about Routing.

There are also links to some opensource routing software or webservices. Choose the software that comes near your aim by user interface, and find out how raw OSM data is converted to special data that can be used by those routing apps. Then export the raw OSM data for your route you want (e.g. by filtering or clipping), and try to create some routing.

Or do you need some route information in KML or GeoJSON format or similar?

permanent link

answered 04 Sep '13, 17:02

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

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question asked: 03 Sep '13, 21:23

question was seen: 5,783 times

last updated: 04 Sep '13, 17:02

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum