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We're planning to use OpenStreet map for our Fleet Management System but map doesn't include details for Turkey and small towns. How can we make the map detailed for cities/towns in Turkey? (For all towns, regions and cities, we plan to do this.)

asked 01 Sep '13, 17:24

snngny's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

It sounds like a major exercise if you're wanting to do the whole of Turkey in detail, though probably a bit more manageable if you can start by doing the major roads.

You are allowed to trace from the Bing aerial view that shows by default as background in the main OSM editors. That's a good start, but it gives you only what is visible from the sky. You may not be able to tell whether the lines you see are roads or rivers and you will certainly not be able to tell road names or route numbers from that alone.

Beyond that, you are limited to information you can see on maps that copyright expired or specifically placed in the public domain, and to information from co-operative drivers. Anything a driver sees (from signposts etc) can be entered on openstreetmap, but unless your local laws say differently you cannot use anything from commercial or official maps without special permission.

You could also, possibly, check to see whether there is an official source of "open" road data, issued either by your government or a motoring organisation, but would need to check their rules carefully to see whether that data could be used legally.

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answered 02 Sep '13, 12:59

harg's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

edited 02 Sep '13, 13:07

If you have a fleet of vehicles, then you can attach GPS logging devices to them. These will record a track for wherever the vehicle goes, so you soon have tracks covering a lot of roads. These tracks can be very useful for mapping roads in OSM, especially if aerial imagery is not available.

You could also use add sort of cameras on the vehicles, to record video or take photos automatically. You can use the GPS track to geotag the photos. This will let you record a lot more details about what type of road it is, plus read names from signs etc. Though obviously this is extra cost, and more work in downloading and using all of the photos.

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answered 02 Sep '13, 14:31

Vclaw's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

The short answer is add the data yourself.

Start off by reading the Beginner's Guide in the wiki. There is a lot of useful information on contributing data. Once you are ready to start adding to the map, start with the information that is most important to you first and build on it from there, one town at a time.

Also, look out for other contributers in Turkey and share ideas on improving the map.

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answered 02 Sep '13, 06:58

rovingmedic's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

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question asked: 01 Sep '13, 17:24

question was seen: 3,913 times

last updated: 02 Sep '13, 14:31

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum