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When I select an object in JOSM it shows a changeset number associated with it. Next to that often it says "incomplete". e.g. 7132958 has [incomplete] after it. If I look at all the changesets, another says "closed" although, for the map I am working on every other changeset reads "incomplete". When I look at 7132958, on OSM nothing seems to mention that it is incomplete. Just what is not complete about it?

I think I have caused some problems by letting JOSM snap my nodes to existing unrelated nodes i.e. I share a node unnecessarily between a highway and a landuse multipolygon, affecting someone else's work. I intend to avoid that in future.

I am an amateur and baffled.

asked 31 Jan '11, 14:51

Electrotechie's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

In the Changeset List Dialog, Incomplete means JOSM has not downloaded all of the details for that changeset. So it is not able to show the changeset comment, or all of the objects affected by that changeset, or whether it is still open.

You can select a particular changeset from the list, then click the icon underneath to download details for that changeset (or right click on the changeset number, and choose 'Download'). You can then see details of the user, the changeset comment, whether it is still open, and select all of the objects affected by that changeset.

For more details, see the JOSM help: Changeset List Dialog

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answered 04 Sep '12, 22:03

Vclaw's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

"Incomplete" means that the change set has not yet been closed (or closed automatically due to timing out). Areas within that changeset may be subject to conflicting edits.

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answered 01 Feb '11, 02:56

Baloo%20Uriza's gravatar image

Baloo Uriza
accept rate: 9%

OK, many thanks. I suspect timing out since many of them have a date in 2009. In my case many of them are "administrative boundaries" which also have lots of validation errors. Taken from some database automatically I would suspect. If that is all it is then OK. I have started "purging" them from Josm every time I download to avoid having the problem.

(01 Feb '11, 11:13) Electrotechie

What do you mean "purging?"

(10 Feb '11, 20:50) Baloo Uriza

ooops, missed that question. I select them all and hit the "purge" button which does nothing to the database but means I don't inadvertently edit them. They are mainly boundaries from official documents.

(04 Sep '12, 20:42) Electrotechie

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question asked: 31 Jan '11, 14:51

question was seen: 6,625 times

last updated: 04 Sep '12, 22:03

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum