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The north-south road is tagged highway=trunk. The road approaching from the west is tagged highway=unclassified. The road approaching from the east is tagged highway=primary.

Do I split the primary way as it approaches the roundabout? It is clearly seen that the division between the two lanes stops after a few meters. I ask this question because I am confused about the term "carriageways" used here in the wiki document about roundabouts.

asked 01 Sep '13, 07:20

madnag4u's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

If the way joining the roundabout has a barrier island separating the opposing lanes, then split the way into 2 oneway sections / carraigeways (see this example). In this example the road running north - south is a dual carraigeway while the road running east - west is a single carraigeway with barrier islands at the roundabout junction

If the way does not have a separating island between the 2 opposing lanes at the junction with the roundabout, then do not split the way (see this example). In this example, all 4 roads intersecting with the roundabout are single carraigeways without islands at the roundabout junction.

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answered 01 Sep '13, 10:28

rovingmedic's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

Okay, I get your point. And also thanks for clarifying the concepts of carriageways and barrier islands :)

(01 Sep '13, 11:35) madnag4u

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question asked: 01 Sep '13, 07:20

question was seen: 3,907 times

last updated: 01 Sep '13, 11:35

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum