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I am interested in extracting all of the bycle routes from witihn certain coordinates. I found that it could be done like thus:[bicycle=yes][bbox=32.744,35.267,33.04,35.729]

meaning I extracted all of the ways with the tag "bicycle", within a range of coordinates.

However, I've read in the OSM wiki that bike routes are represented as relations of the type "route". Upon checking the XML database of OSM, I found ways, tagged as "bicycle", that don't even exist in any relations.

What is the right way to find bike-routes? using ways or using relations?

asked 29 Aug '13, 13:44

yehudit's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

closed 29 Aug '13, 13:46

Vclaw's gravatar image


The question has been closed for the following reason "Duplicate of" by Vclaw 29 Aug '13, 13:46

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question asked: 29 Aug '13, 13:44

question was seen: 2,119 times

last updated: 29 Aug '13, 13:46

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