I am interested in extracting all of the bycle routes from witihn certain coordinates. I found that it could be done like thus: http://www.overpass-api.de/api/xapi?way[bicycle=yes][bbox=32.744,35.267,33.04,35.729] meaning I extracted all of the ways with the tag "bicycle", within a range of coordinates. However, I've read in the OSM wiki that bike routes are represented as relations of the type "route". Upon checking the XML database of OSM, I found ways, tagged as "bicycle", that don't even exist in any relations. What is the right way to find bike-routes? using ways or using relations? |
A way tagged as bicycle=yes means a bicycle is legally allowed to travel along it. This is used for various types of roads and paths. Note most types of roads allow bicycles by default, it is not necessary to explicitly tag them with bicycle=yes. See the wiki page for access. Also, just because a road is tagged as bicycle=yes, it may not be a nice road for cycling. eg it may be very busy, without any cycle lanes. Cycle lanes can be tagged with cycleway=lane Or a path tagged as bicycle=yes might be very rough, only suitable for mountain bikes. This can be tagged with surface, smoothness, or mtb:scale. Whereas cycle routes are mapped using relations, tagged as type=route and route=bicycle. A cycle route may include a variety of different roads and paths, and is usually signposted in some way, it may go to a specific destination. The route may have a name or number, and is often part of a wider network. This reply should be enhanced with ways tagged "bicycle=designated" or "highway=cycleway" which are not necessarily part of a route relation
(29 Aug '13, 16:42)
You could get all those relations with but there are no bicycle relations in your area.
(30 Aug '13, 07:09)
Roland Olbricht