I have noticed that once when I was doing photomapping, I can get the little camera icons in JOSM to display a direction that I was looking at as well. However, I can't seem to repeat this. Can anyone tell me how I can get this function to be present constantly? Both camera capture and GPS logging are performed with my S3. |
This works by default, but only with images which include the direction in the EXIF data, e.g. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Pegel_Altchemnitz_2_Pegelhaus.jpg |
This data is recorded by OpenCamera (and presumably others). It doesn't seem to be recorded by the Samsung camera app (2021/22). You can't choose which camera app to launch from other apps by default in Android 11 but Vespucci have added links to specific camera apps including OpenCamera. OsmAnd doesn't seem to have such options currently. |