Hi, I have downloaded latest .pbf files for arizona ans washington regions. I converted them to .osm files using osmconvert(windows platform) and I extracted sub regions from them using bounding box command. When I open those output files in Globalmapper road networks are coming like irregular multiple radial lines crossing through other features. I could not find where the problem occurs. Could you please help?
Try using the option Having said that, I have seen other people having similar issues with GlobalMapper even when their data had full referential integrity; you'd probably have to check with the makers of GlobalMapper then because it is a malfunction on their part. Hi Frederik, Thanks for your suggestion. I tried using the option as u said, but still the problem exists. Yeah...this could be due to GlobalMapper incapability. could u please suggest me what are other enviroments which support osm. i have ArcGIS desktop with me please let me know how to open in this environment.
(28 Aug '13, 10:55)
This is most probably a bug in GlobalMapper. My first suggestion would be to ask GlobalMapper support (as you seem to have a registered version). Even before that, update the version - the current version is 14.2! |