I am using Leaflet Draw Plugin, I want to be able to click for example on Object of type Marker and be able to edit the information of popup, set id, leaflet generating randomized ids I want to change it.
what you are suggesting?
this is the list of the fields of the object(example) that created:
NewClass {options: Object, _latlng: L.LatLng, _mRadius: 363.29727806377065, _initHooksCalled: true, editing: NewClass…}
_container: g.[object SVGAnimatedString]
_initHooksCalled: true
_latlng: L.LatLng
_leaflet_events: Object
_leaflet_id: 40
_mRadius: 363.29727806377065
_map: NewClass
_path: path.[object SVGAnimatedString]
_point: L.Point
_radius: 96
edited: false
editing: NewClass
options: Object
__proto__: F
27 Aug '13, 19:56
Ofir Attia
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I've rephrased this as a question. Please make sure it is correct.