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We're programming an app for Windows Phone 7, and we're using Open Street Map (OSM) as our data source.

We're using this URI:,034.8415,32.3846,035 and we're filling in coordinates according to the current position of the app's user.

The data we receive is : "nodes", "way", and "relation".

This is our question:

  • How could we know which of the nodes are part of a route (or, a "way"), and which of the nodes are actual places (like a hiking path...)?

Thanks :)

asked 27 Aug '13, 14:13

yehudit's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 27 Aug '13, 20:57

MagicFab's gravatar image


Just a thought - maybe it might help if you could ask some of your questions "in real time" in one of OSM's IRC channels? There are several - including in languages other than English.

(28 Aug '13, 12:08) SomeoneElse ♦

Okay. Seems you start from scratch in OSM ;-)

Please read this docs about OSM fundamental elements (nodes, ways, relations):

The simple version of a "route" is one or several ways attached together. The route identification comes from attached tags like "highway", "name" and/or "ref". It's a "continuous" route when the last node of a way is also the first node of the next way. But be carefull, sometimes, a route is interrupted by a junction roundabout which might not carry one of the "name" or "ref" tags.

Also "routes" can be assembled by a relation (but it's not mandatory) where all ways are listed and common attributs grouped, like hiking routes, bus routes, road routes. See more on this page:

permanent link

answered 28 Aug '13, 12:00

Pieren's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

edited 29 Aug '13, 10:39

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question asked: 27 Aug '13, 14:13

question was seen: 3,381 times

last updated: 29 Aug '13, 10:39

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum