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How should this cycleway be tagged (cycleway:left=lane doesn't seem right)?

Cyclists in the redmac advanced stop box on Hills Road just before the lights turn green.

Photo Credit Klaas Brumann (CC BY-SA 3.0)

And this cycle-only right turn? Right-turn cycle lane to Somers Town and Euston station.

Photo Credit Tim Burford (CC BY-SA 3.0)

asked 26 Aug '13, 14:46

DuBose's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 26 Aug '13, 15:11

I think the top photo would just be cycleway=lane, at least for basic tagging. It seems to fit the "two-way streets where there are cycle lanes on both sides of the road." You wouldn't have to do anything else unless you wanted to get into a more detailed lane tagging. If you're interested in that, you can check out the lanes page, and note the many proposals linked at the bottom.

For the second photo, I'm not very familiar with turn restriction tagging, but looking over that wiki page, seems to me it'd be type=restriction, restriction=no_right_turn, except=bicycle

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answered 26 Aug '13, 15:05

neuhausr's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

edited 26 Aug '13, 15:06

also see 'lanes' tagging

(02 Sep '13, 19:23) Baloo Uriza

For your second photo, is there actually any restriction on traffic turning there? From that photo, and looking at Google Streetview, there doesn't seem to be anything signposted. So legally a car could turn right, into the end of that road. Just as a car coming from the opposite direction could turn left into the road.

Though obviously they couldn't go very far, as the road is blocked by a gate and bollards. So you can map the gate, by adding a node on the road tagged as barrier=gate. Plus appropriate access tags, eg motor_vehicle=no, bicycle=yes, foot=yes, emergency=yes.

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answered 26 Aug '13, 15:28

Vclaw's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

edited 26 Aug '13, 15:28

There is no restriction. I had put some access tags on the gate, but just added a few more.

(26 Aug '13, 15:42) DuBose

Making some assumptions about access to bicycle lanes and solid single lane dividers in your area:

lanes:5 lanes:forward=3 lanes:width:forward=3|2.5|3 bicycle:lanes:forward=yes|designated|yes access:lanes:forward=yes|no|yes change:lanes:forward=no|no|not_left turn:lanes:forward=left|through|

lanes:backward=2 lanes:width:backward=2|3.5 bicycle:lanes:backward=designated|yes access:lanes:backward=no|yes change:lanes:backward=no|not_left


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answered 22 Jun '18, 04:30

samuelrussell's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


According to the wiki definition it is lanes=3, as cycle lanes should not be counted in the lanes tag. This has lead to a heated discussion on the tagging mailing list recently.

(22 Jun '18, 13:38) escada

I strongly agree lanes=5 is correct.

(22 Jun '18, 13:42) Baloo Uriza At examples Crossing with a designated lane for bicycles

(23 Jun '18, 07:22) samuelrussell

The wiki also doesn't seem to be able to count correctly in that case, either.

(23 Jun '18, 15:59) Baloo Uriza

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question asked: 26 Aug '13, 14:46

question was seen: 4,848 times

last updated: 23 Jun '18, 15:59

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