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High, I'm quite new at openstreetmap, but already succeeded in working at the map. But I'm not able to use the routing-feature on my 62s. Using the find-button, I choose a way-point and press go. Now I see a line directly to the target and I have to decide, which way to use to reach the target. I expect a line on the streets, so I know, which way to go, as I have seen on other gps-devices using the garmin-maps. Am I wrong? Does this not work with OSM? Thanks for help! TallE

asked 31 Jan '11, 09:18

TallE's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

There are many different people and companies who provide Garmin maps based on OpenStreetMap data. It is up to each person what options they choose when they are making the maps, and one of the options is whether or not to include routing information in their maps.

You should confirm with whoever made your particular Garmin map as to whether it supports routing.

If it does, then you should check the routing settings on your 62s. From the main menu, select Setup -> Routing. Look at the "Guidance Method" - it should be set to either "On Road for Time" or "On Road for Distance". If it is set to "Off Road" you should change it.

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answered 31 Jan '11, 14:22

Andy%20Allan's gravatar image

Andy Allan
accept rate: 28%



thanks for your answers! I had to install a routable map and changed the guidance method. Now it works!

(31 Jan '11, 19:40) TallE

I'm not familiar with the GPSMAP 62s, but in general you probably must use a routable map to be able use the routing functionality of your GPS unit.

For maps generated with the mkgmap command the manual says there is a "--route" flag.

(Disclaimer: I have no experience of this myself. Just telling what I have stumbled upon when reading the manual.)

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answered 31 Jan '11, 13:28

gnurk's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

Yes, I'd agree that it sounds like the map that you've loaded isn't routable. Routable maps are quite easy to create - I gave a soup-to-nuts example of creating a one in answer to another question here:

(31 Jan '11, 15:31) SomeoneElse ♦

garmin gps60 page 32 of manual as paragraph on route settings off road or on road try this.. main menu.. set up...routing...on road and it should solve the problem let us know how it goes

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answered 31 Jan '11, 23:12

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

I have a garmin vista hcx.on this device I can choose on road or off road I suggest that you have a good read of the manual and search through the many menus that garmins have, maybe garmin as an help line

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answered 31 Jan '11, 11:02

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%


@ andy mackey I changed the settings and now it works. Thanks!

I use the map from link text and routing works. The route is calculated at the beginning of the trip, but will not be calculated again, if you leave the route, because you want to take another way. This is called autorouting, isn't it? So I installed a map from link text, but wasn't able to test it, because my gps doesn't boot at time being. I'll have to wait, until it's back and then I'll tell you, how it works. It might take 2 or 3 weeks.

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answered 02 Feb '11, 19:40

TallE's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 31 Jan '11, 09:18

question was seen: 10,444 times

last updated: 02 Feb '11, 19:40

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