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I have started adding notes to my area and would like to encourage other local mappers to do the same, while having a chronological log of that so editors can come in and quickly look at work items and work on them if they so wish.

Is there a way to generate an RSS feed of such notes? I haven't seen anything about this. Are such notes published as regular map edits?

asked 26 Aug '13, 10:40

MagicFab's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

edited 26 Aug '13, 10:41


Why did you add the "ideditor" tag? Is your question about the key note?

(26 Aug '13, 12:54) aseerel4c26 ♦

Because adding a note is now available as one of the main tools in the ID editor.

(26 Aug '13, 14:35) MagicFab

but the question is totally unrelated to iD editor then. ID editor (seems) to can be used to create "notes" but your question is about the use of "notes" after they have been created.

(26 Aug '13, 14:39) aseerel4c26 ♦

... created with ID editor, that is my use case.

(26 Aug '13, 15:59) MagicFab

... then you could add the tag "ideditor" to nearly every "editing" or "tagging" question. ;-)

(26 Aug '13, 16:06) aseerel4c26 ♦

While reading more about Notes I found the answer on its wiki page.

You can subscribe to an RSS feed of all the note activity in your area. This allows you to keep an overview of the things reported in your area you map in. The URL for the RSS feed is,smaller_latitude,larger_longitude,larger_latitude
permanent link

answered 26 Aug '13, 10:47

MagicFab's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%


For determining the bbox you can use and select your area via alt-drag.

(26 Aug '13, 16:49) scai ♦

I've accepted this on behalf of the submitter so it doesn't appear as an "unanswered question".

(25 Mar '16, 17:25) SomeoneElse ♦

Is it possible to display hidden notes? Question: Update: it is possible by adding &closed=-1 (

(06 Sep '20, 10:35) baptx

Is it possible to get a feed of only notes instead of also seeing comments?

(18 Jan '22, 03:03) ray331

You can do that very easy with the quality assurance tool. Select your region, and choose the tool you want to have an RSS feed for.

a) OSM Notes (User generated bug reports from
b) WhoDid It (Lists changesets that affect the watched region.)
c) Newest OSM (Lists new contributors.)
d) Keep Right! (Reports a large variety of automatically detected errors.)
e) Like OSM-notes, but deprecated
f) ITO OSM Mapper (Displays mapping activity (free sign up required))

permanent link

answered 23 Mar '14, 10:47

TheFive's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


I think "tyrasd's osm-qa-feeds" would be a better name for this (instead of "quality assurance tool"), as there are many QA tools.

(23 Mar '14, 13:21) aseerel4c26 ♦

I have taken the name from the website itself to have a maximum recognition value. Of course the tool can change its name an provide a little bit more info on the start page.

(24 Mar '14, 07:12) TheFive

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question asked: 26 Aug '13, 10:40

question was seen: 50,529 times

last updated: 18 Jan '22, 03:03

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum