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I recently downloaded an OSM file (like a GPS) for Ontario Canada but I don't know how to make it my background when editing maps. Can someone please help? Thanks! (I am very new to this by the way).

asked 31 Jan '11, 05:26

mithokey's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 31 Jan '11, 05:27

Which program do you use for map editing? (JOSM, Potlatch 1, Potlatch2, Merkaator or something else)

And what's the purpose of your map editing? Is is just for uploading new data to OpenStreetMap, or is the intention to use your edited map in for example a GPS unit or some kind of GIS?

If the intention is to upload data to OpenStreetMap there is already a built in function in the latest version om JOSM that makes it possible to show the rendered OSM map in a background layer. Just select Imagery/OpenStreetMap from the main menu.

(31 Jan '11, 06:27) gnurk

this is the process I use to edit map 1) look at whats is missing 2) switch on garmin, drive, cycle or walk the area take notes or photo if required 3) upload GPX file 4) when trace as uploaded maybe hour later 5) with osm map displayed and zoomed in to 100m scale of the area of interest hoover pointer over edit box then I choose potlach2 6) enter name and password 7) click gps data and pick your trace 8) you should now see your trace in pale blue and the osm road as it is, you can also have various backgrounds, I use bing ariel photo 9) click on trace and draw along it press Esc then choose

permanent link

answered 31 Jan '11, 09:36

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

I think I ran out of space hope you get the idea good luck

(31 Jan '11, 09:38) andy mackey

Not an answer to your initial question, but a minor advise how to use this help forum:

The "Your answer" functionally should not be used to answer follow-up questions, but only for entries that give an answer the initial question. Use "add new comment" instead. Otherwise people looking at the overview will see that your question is already answered and probably care a little bit less. There are other reasons as well.

Fortunately you may convert your answer to a comment yourself by selecting "more/convert to comment" in the menu below your answer.

(31 Jan '11, 13:51) gnurk

Sorry, but I still can't get exactly what you are requesting.

You write that one should see the GPS traces in pale blue. Is that the problem? That one should see the traces, but you do not.

I'm not a Potlatch 2 user, but did a fast test looking at old traces. I had to select "GPS data/GPS data" from the menu bar to see the traces.

(31 Jan '11, 17:53) gnurk

I hope mithokey found my answer helpful. from question it was difficult spot where the problem was so I thought it quicker to go through the whole process step by step with what works for would be nice here HIS results

(31 Jan '11, 23:33) andy mackey

Oooh! Sorry andy mackey! I mixed you up with mithokey, so I thought he wrote wrote the answer to me that you wrote to him. Eeeeehh...! That also explains my comment on how to use this forum.

But anyway, I'm still confused and can't understand exactly what the problem is.

(01 Feb '11, 00:02) gnurk

Its me i'm keyboard crazy .I must get out more and make some traces

(01 Feb '11, 00:13) andy mackey
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question asked: 31 Jan '11, 05:26

question was seen: 3,369 times

last updated: 01 Feb '11, 00:13

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum